We created a directory app for the Newburyport area to help support local restaurants and nourish the community during the Covid-19 outbreak. The app is available for free at https://covid-19.macpheedesign.com/ and accessible by your mobile device.
The purpose of the app to make life easier for patrons to find options for takeout, delivery and to help families get the food they need in these troubling times.
You can access the app, call-in orders, and find food options from your phone. There is also a form where restaurants can send their updates and a link to "Have a drink. Leave a tip" so every time you have a drink or meal at home during social distancing, you can tip a North Shore service industry worker through Venmo or Cash App.
COVID-19 Restaurant listing app

COVID-19 community food listing app
The community support tab has critical basic needs services compiled and kept up to date by Our Neighbors' Table, Pennies For Poverty, and the Pettengill House. Recognizing that many people are, for the first time, needing to turn to free grocery programs, putting all sources of food in the same place makes it easy and discreet for people to find exactly what they need to keep their families fed and healthy.

The app is a grassroots effort by MacPhee Design with thanks to the River Valley Charter School, Newburyport Chamber of Commerce, Our Neighbors Table, Nourishing Northshore, Help Newburyport, and Newburyport Youth Services for sharing their data and support.

The inspiration came from when MacPhee Design's principal, Susan was walking around downtown stunned by the realization that the restaurants normally open were closed, and some restaurant friends were out of work, so she wanted to do something to help in these tough times so when this is over, our vibrant community will be a little stronger. To use the free app visit https://covid-19.macpheedesign.com/.